Well, the abbreviations( FOMO & JOMO) and the terminology ( Digital Detox), were conceived, because the latent need ( to spare the humankind of this ‘yet another’ rampant menace) necessitated an expression ( in the form of language). Let me get them out of the way first( like

We had met on a train somewhere near Ulm in Germany. The moment our eyes met I had felt an instant connection. It's true that we don't meet people by accident, but there is a reason why they cross our path. We quickly exchanged brief glances and tender smiles. Her face

We were so unprepared for this, I must say. We even considered going back to India for a month. But it just wasn’t really fitting into our budget. Stress. Anxiety. Restlessness. Helplessness. We wore them all up, on our sleeves at some point. It was imperative for us to keep our cool and take