Things the world wanted me to be, things I instead chose to become ….
We (both men and women alike) are all born with a prescription, handed over to us much before we even know, if that’s what we want to do, if that’s the path we want to tread if that’s who we really are or eventually would like to become. Choice and consent are something, that’s rare […]” Who am I without you? ” – An open letter from the ‘ Mother Language’
I had reigned your household for generations, much before you had arrived. I was loved unconditionally and revered eminently. It felt like I was an indelible part of their identities. I was the pride they wore up their sleeves. When you were born, my eyes welled up with tears of joy and#LifeInTimesOfCorona: A Daily Meditation Routine Is All We Need To Hold Up, Introspect and Heal
“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.“ ~ Carl Jung. While the world outside seems to be crumbling down as a result of an unprecedented war between the humans and the planet, there is a pertinent153 days of Digital Detox: What did it truly entail – FOMO or JOMO?
Well, the abbreviations( FOMO & JOMO) and the terminology ( Digital Detox), were conceived, because the latent need ( to spare the humankind of this ‘yet another’ rampant menace) necessitated an expression ( in the form of language). Let me get them out of the way first( likeMeet Nadine Jochim -A 26-Year-Old Solo Traveler, Drifter & Yogi from Germany
We had met on a train somewhere near Ulm in Germany. The moment our eyes met I had felt an instant connection. It's true that we don't meet people by accident, but there is a reason why they cross our path. We quickly exchanged brief glances and tender smiles. Her face