Inviting entries for the following categories to feature in my upcoming articles
- Full-Time Family Travelers ( who quit their jobs to hit the road forever)
- Full-Time Family Travelers ( who didn’t quit their jobs to hit the road forever)
- Full-Time Family Travelers ( who live in an RV)
- Solo Parent Travelers ( Mom or Dad traveling with the kid(s))
- Mommy Instagrammers ( who took to social media for their creative outlet)
- Mommy Writers & Authors
- Stay-At-Home-Moms ( Who quit their jobs after they became Mothers)
- Mommy who went the IVF way to have her kid(s).
- Solo female travelers
This is quite a random list and is certainly not an exhaustive one. Most importantly, it’s not in the order of my next releases. So, please shoot, if you have more to add( which I am sure you do :).
My first article which was about bringing out stories of parents across the globe, who travel very frequently along with their kids has left me longing for more. The process of interacting with these inspirations over weeks – interviewing them virtually, editing and publishing, has been quite an enlightening experience for me.
And what could be a better way of stretching my brain learning and experiencing the various dimensions of human motivations with respect to travel, lifestyle, and writing, than the process itself?
So if you feel you/anyone who you know could fit into any of these categories, please reach out to me. It could be just anyone( across the globe). I intend to tell stories of just ordinary people ( not necessarily an Instagrammer, or someone who is already known to the world).
Waiting to hear from you all.
Thank you.