I am Tanu – I am a Manifestation & Spiritual Transformation Coach, NLP Practitioner, EnergyHealer, USUI Reiki Master, Conscious Writer, QiGong, and Breathwork Practitioner & Meditation Guide.

Live With Passion Academy has come into being in Jan’2022, after I decided to practice Spiritual Work professionally.

Service through Spirituality is at the core of what I do every day. This is the only intention I wake up to and live through the day, every day. My mission is to create a human chain of conscious creators who stay connected to their highest selves and live their life with passion and purpose, to empower them to create that positive ripple effect in their lives and the lives of many others. I am committed to serving them and you.

I have been working with people from various walks of life around the world – Entrepreneurs, Students, Housewives, Corporates, across all age groups helping them not only uplift the quality of their current life but also consciously create a life that sparks true joy.

I am committed to guiding and supporting you on your journey to unlocking your true potential to maximize your growth and consciously create a life that you truly desire.

Following are the classes I take currently –

Conscious Manifestation Coaching

Spiritual Transformation & Mastery

Spirituality For Kids – Age 6 +

Reiki Level 1,2 & Master – Integration Course

QiGong For Beginners

Conscious Writing Sessions

RA Healing Sessions

Reiki for Chakra Balancing & Healing Sessions

Guided Meditation

All classes are available for both Individuals and Groups.

Who can apply?

Anyone who wishes to embark on the most fulfilling and rewarding journey of inner transformation and healing.

All coaching classes are done via Zoom.

All energy healing sessions are done one on one and also through distance.

Know more about the classes in detail here

The Magic of Conscious Manifestation – Group Classes

This open-ended spiritual coaching program intends to help you

Have an understanding of Source Energy and the interconnectedness of all that there is.

Empower you with the right knowledge, tools, and techniques to consciously create a life you truly desire.

Understand the process of Conscious Manifestation through both conceptual as well as experiential learning.

Understand the way your mind works and how to tap into your true potential as a conscious creator.

Embark on a deep healing journey, through deep self-inquiry techniques.

Build a higher level of self-awareness and presence.

Understand the way various Universal Laws work and the best ways to stay in Alignment.

To consciously constantly attract opportunities and ideas that you need to create your dream life.

Experience learning and sharing with a community of like-minded people.

Get lifetime guidance and support, whenever you feel stuck.

About the class

All classes are for 60-90 minutes each.

All session recordings are provided with lifetime access, for you to refer back to the learnings anytime anywhere



a. Universal Laws – Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption, Law of Vibration.

b. Neuroscience


a. Breathwork

b. Meditation

c. QiGong

d. Body Awareness

  1. INTEGRATED USAGE of various spiritual tools, techniques, and practices like –

a. Gratitude

b. Visualization

c. Affirmation

d. Scripting

e. Conscious Writing

f. Journaling and much more.

2. Spiritual Transformation & Mastery – For Individuals

This open-ended spiritual coaching program intends to help you

  1. Understand your authentic self, discover your unique gifts, your place, purpose, and role in the world. ​
  2. Empower yourself with tools that would help you to either embark on or support your Spiritual Journey. ​
  3. Create a tailor-made plan specific to your goals and desires, for you to put steps into action. 
  4. Address problems that are limiting you from reaching your true potential in a more holistic way. ​
  5. Understand hidden patterns and intentions behind each thought and thereby action, leading to the creation of the life you desire.​
  6. Make a more sustainable and lasting change through inner transformation. ​
  7. Step into your personal greatness, to know yourself better, and create an intentional life from here on. ​
  8. Embody a different level of empowerment that would enable you to create differently. ​
  9. Enable yourself to make a deeper impact on the world around you. ​
  10. Getting a higher sense of fulfillment in life is not just doing, but also being. ​
  11. And finally, learn the art of Manifesting the Life you desire on the go. 
  12.  Get lifetime guidance and support, whenever you feel stuck.

About the class

All classes are for 60-90 minutes each.

All session recordings are provided with lifetime access, for you to refer back to the learnings anytime anywhere



a. Universal Laws – Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption, Law of Vibration.

b. Neuroscience


a. Breathwork

b. Meditation

c. QiGong

d. Body Awareness

  1. INTEGRATED USAGE of various spiritual tools, techniques, and practices like –

a. Gratitude

b. Visualization

c. Affirmation

d. Scripting

e. Conscious Writing

f. Journaling and much more.

3. QiGong For Beginners

The beautiful practice of QiGong has empowered me to help many individuals across all age groups and different walks of life around the world to tap into the power within and optimize their energy levels

About the class

All classes are for 60 minutes each.

All session recordings are provided to practice at your own pace and rhythm during the week.

Each class typically is divided into 3 parts

  1. 5 min – Experience sharing and QnA
  2. 45 min – Qigong routine practice
  3. 10min – QiGong meditation

Throughout the practice, I do share relevant, contextual information and knowledge on how each individual practice or routine works through different energy meridians and energy centers in our body to circulate Qi in an effective way to upgrade the quality of energy in and around us and thereby improving the way we feel every day.

60 minutes of Daily Practice of QiGong can help –

  1. Relax body and mind
  2. Open energy channels 
  3. Reduce stress
  4. Find calm and balance
  5. Build strength and stamina
  6. Enhance the immune system 
  7. Increase flexibility and balance
  8. Healthier weight and BMI
  9. Improve cognitive function
  10. Deeper & restorative sleep
  11. Improve energy levels
  12. Better blood circulation
  13. Improve bone density
  14. Reduce chronic pain and fatigue
  15. Strengthen, stimulate and open the nervous and muscular system
  16. Improve breathing 
  17. Become more aware of your Highest Self/ true nature. 
  18. Regulate hormones
  19. Helps with fertility, menstrual irregularities, endometriosis


Anyone across all age groups can practice QiGong as the movements are very simple, slow, and easy.

Conscious Writing Sessions

Through Conscious Writing Sessions I intend to help and guide individuals to tap into the power within, connect with their highest selves, and embark on a deep healing journey through emotional release.

About the Class

Each class is for 60 minutes

Regular Conscious Writing Sessions Can Help

  1. Achieve goals
  2. Track progress and growth
  3. Gain self-confidence
  4. Improve writing and communication skills
  5. Reduce stress and anxiety
  6. Find inspiration
  7. Strengthen memory
  8. Tap into Stream of consciousness.
  9. Emotional Release
  10. Find ideas and solutions
  11. Deep emotional and spiritual healing

We begin the class with an activity or prompt. All students write typically for about 40 minutes. And then we discuss and share our thoughts and views on what did the session do for each one of us. How did it help? What were the key takeaways?

Spirituality for Kids

I intend to help kids above 6+ years of age to integrate simple and easy-to-learn tools, techniques, and practices in their daily lives to grow up to become authentic individuals.

About the class

I have been working with kids of age 6 + around the world to help them imbibe the essence of Spiritual Living at a very early age.

All classes are fun and experiential in nature.


a. Basic Yoga

b. Breathwork

c. Meditation

d. QiGong

e. Body Awareness

f. Gratitude

g. Visualization

h. Affirmations

i. Scripting

j. Conscious Writing

k. Journaling and much more.

Writing modules are introduced only to kids of age 10 +

I am committed to guiding and supporting the kids on your journey to unlock their true potential to maximize their growth and consciously create a life that they truly desire.

Classes are available both for Individuals and Groups.

All coaching classes are done via Zoom.